Saturday, October 17, 2009

Conversations with a mirror

"So, was it everything you dreamed of?"

"Yes, all that and more"

"So you're happy"

"I think so"

"What do you mean 'you think so', you either are, or you arent, there's no 'think so' in there!!"

"Well, it isn't that simple, people aren't always happy when their dreams come true"

"This IS what you wanted right?"

"Yes, it is, and don't get me wrong, I love it, its just I loved the other too"

"Well, you cant have it both ways you know, you cant be somewhere and want something else, not all the time at least"

"Why not?"

"Well, you'll never be happy that way for one. And it wont work out"

"But its not like I can turn these things on and off, some days I like it, some I dont, some days I love it, sometimes I just want it to be over."

"How long is this going to go on? Is this going to be one of those times when you wished for something so hard, but when you got it you didnt want it any more, because every time something like that happens, you end up getting hurt. Not to mention they do too"

"I dont know, sometimes I think maybe I'm planting, but sometimes all I wish for is to be free again, I guess I hate being disappointed. Its my own fault actually, I expect too much, expect people to get every second of my brain, that doesn't really happen you know. Although I wonder why. I know I know, there are days when they just dont get you, but it wouldnt hurt to try now would it. But then again, little things shouldn't matter, should they? People cant be in a romance 24/7 now can they?"

"Yes, true, all granted, but does romance end in 2 months? Or do we just stop seeing it? Or do the small seeds of doubt take root there. Don't ask me, I'm not the one talking to a reflection now am I?"